Import Tube and Pipe Styles

Lists all styles included in the imported file or only the imported data with issues. You can also use it to get descriptions and solutions on any issues, and to correct errors and add additional information to the imported data.


Click Import on the Tube & Pipe Styles dialog box, select a file to import, and then click OK. If errors exist on the styles to import, this dialog box is displayed.

Indicates whether to show all imported styles or only those styles that contain issues. Enable the check box for the filter you need.

Context Menu

The context menu varies depending on the issue for the selected style or component.

Issue Description

For any style with an error condition, describes the cause of the issue and how to correct it.


Change the style name to something unique.


Indicates to import the style and overwrite the existing one. Clear the check box so the style is not imported.


When the style contains a component that is not found in the Content Center, enable to import the style with the missing component. After the component is imported, it appears in the Tube & Pipe Styles dialog box Components table with the appropriate status.