
Define a rectangular pattern

Duplicates one or more components and arranges the resulting occurrences in a rectangular pattern. The components can be unique or identical.

  1. In the Mold Layout tab, click Pattern.
  2. In the graphics window, select a plastic part.
  3. In the Pattern dialog box, Rectangular tab, Pattern Type group, select the part orientation.
    Option Description
    Base Pattern Arranges parts without applying any rotation.
    X Balance Arranges parts and rotates some parts 180 degrees in the negative Y axis.
    Y Balance Arranges parts and rotates some parts 180 degrees in the negative X axis.
  4. Enter the number of plastic parts in the X direction.
  5. Enter the distance between the parts in the X direction.
  6. Enter the number of plastic parts in the Y direction.
  7. Enter the distance between the parts in the Y direction.
  8. Optionally, click the More button to specify Unique files.
  9. Click OK.

Note: You can enter distance values directly in the graphics window by clicking the X, or Y dimension line.

Define a circular pattern

Duplicate one or more components and arrange the resulting occurrences in a circular pattern. The components can be unique or identical.

  1. In the Mold Layout tab, click Pattern.
  2. In the graphics window, select a plastic part.
  3. In the Pattern dialog box, Circular tab, Pattern Type group, select the part orientation.
    • Base Pattern

      Arrange parts with the same coordinate system direction.

    • Radial Pattern

      Arrange parts with the coordinate system pointing forward to the LZ center point.

  4. Enter the number of plastic parts.
  5. Enter the rotation angle of the selected part.
  6. Enter the distance between the center point of the parts and the center point of the LZ.
  7. Enter the rotation angle of a part, relative to an adjacent part.
  8. Optionally, click the More button to specify Unique files.
  9. Click OK.

Define a variable pattern

  1. In the Mold Layout tab, click Pattern.
  2. In the graphics window, select a plastic part.
  3. In the Pattern dialog box, select the Variable tab.
  4. Add parts to the list using one of the following methods:
    • Select Inherit from the last pattern to inherit a rectangular or circular definition.
    • Right-click an element in the list, and then click Add, or Add as copy.
  5. Click a cell in the table to adjust the position and orientation of the corresponding element.
    Option Description
    Rotate Rotates a part about its own center point.
    X Offset Sets the offset distance in the X direction.
    Y Offset Sets the offset distance in the Y Direction.
  6. Optionally, click the More button to specify Unique files.
  7. Click OK.

Edit a pattern

  1. In the Mold Design browser, right-click a Layout node, and then click Edit Feature.
  2. In the Pattern dialog box, modify the settings.
  3. Click OK.

Delete a pattern