Locate the cable and harness library file

Use the File Locations tab on the Harness Settings dialog box to locate the cable and harness library file. You can set a different cable and harness library file and location for each harness assembly, if needed. If the Cable and Harness Library is accessed by multiple users, it must be placed in a shared location, such as on a server for all harness assemblies to reference.

If the file location or name is changed, you must click the Update command or click OK to load the library.

  1. Double-click the harness assembly that references the cable and harness library file or location to change.
  2. In the browser, right-click the harness assembly, and then select Harness Settings.
  3. In the Harness Settings dialog box, click the File Locations tab.
  4. Clear Use the Project's Design Data Location check box, then browse to and select the needed file.
  5. Click OK to load that library.
  6. To create a new, empty cable and harness library, enter a new file name, click OK and then select Yes to create the new file.
Note: By default the file is named Cable&HarnessDefaultLibrary.iwl and is located in:

Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems:

Click Options to access the Application Options dialog, and click File tab to change the location for the project's Design Data.