Use the File Locations tab on the Harness Settings dialog box to locate the cable and harness library file. You can set a different cable and harness library file and location for each harness assembly, if needed. If the Cable and Harness Library is accessed by multiple users, it must be placed in a shared location, such as on a server for all harness assemblies to reference.
If the file location or name is changed, you must click the Update command or click OK to load the library.
- Double-click the harness assembly that references the cable and harness library file or location to change.
- In the browser, right-click the harness assembly, and then select Harness Settings.
- In the Harness Settings dialog box, click the File Locations tab.
- Clear Use the Project's Design Data Location check box, then browse to and select the needed file.
- Click OK to load that library.
- To create a new, empty cable and harness library, enter a new file name, click OK and then select Yes to create the new file.
Note: By default the file is named
Cable&HarnessDefaultLibrary.iwl and is located in:
Microsoft Windows 7 and Windows 8 operating systems:
- Users\Public\Public Documents\Autodesk\Inventor [version]\Design Data\Cable & Harness.
Click Options to access the Application Options dialog, and click File tab to change the location for the project's Design Data.