Tip: See also additional editing procedures in the Related Tasks list.
Edit baseline dimension sets
Right-click the dimension, and click a command from the menu:
- Add member adds additional geometry to the dimension set. Select the point or edge to add to the dimension set. If the dimension does not fall at the end of the dimension set, the members are rearranged to position the new member correctly.
- Detach member removes a dimension from the set.
- Delete member deletes a member of the baseline dimension set.
- Make Origin moves the origin point to the selected point.
Edit chain dimensions and dimension sets
Right-click the dimension, and click a command from the menu:
- Options
Leader adds a leader to the dimension value. The drag the dimension value to the desired position.
- Add Member adds a member to the dimension set. Select a point and place the new member.
- Delete Member deletes the selected member from the dimension set.
- Detach member removes a dimension from the dimension set.