Unrouted Wires and Cables

Using a combination of commands on the Unroute Wires dialog box, there are several options for unrouting wires and cables. You can unroute:

When wires or cables are unrouted from the specified segments, the wires behave as if the segment was deleted, and return to their point-to-point connection position.

All work points on wires or cable wires are deleted when the wires are unrouted from all segments. The work points remain when a wire or cable wire is unrouted from selected segments only.

When the last object is unrouted from a segment that is set to calculate size from wires (including cable wires), the segment diameter does not change. It is the same as the diameter it had with that last object in it. The current segment is not resized when all wires and cables are unrouted at once.

Rather than unroute an object entirely, it is often necessary to unroute it from one or more individual segments.

To unroute a cable, you select a single cable wire. All cable wires associated to the same cable are then unrouted together.