To create a backup copy of the sample tutorial files, open the Tutorial Files Tube and Pipe folder. Then copy the files into your backup folder.
Tip: After you finish the exercises, you can replace the changed sample files with the original files.
To set the project, click ManageProjects.
In the Projects dialog box, double-click the tutorial_files project to make it the active project.
Review the setting of Use Style Library property. If appropriate, change the setting.
Note: To ensure that conduit parts are created with the correct material definition, Use Style Library must be set as Yes or Read Only.
Click the Configure Content Center Libraries button and confirm that Content Center libraries are available and selected. Then close the Configure Libraries dialog box.
Tube and Pipe assemblies use Content Center parts. If Content Center libraries are not available, you cannot populate Tube and Pipe routes. If needed, see the Content Center or Tube and Pipe chapter in the Help for more information.
Click Save and Done to close the Projects dialog box.