About this tutorial

Create parts from derived geometry.


Experienced Users

Time Required

20 minutes

Tutorial File Used

Start a new part file.


Note: Click and read the required Tutorial Files Installation Instructions athttp://www.autodesk.com/inventor-tutorial-data-sets-2014 . Then download the tutorial data sets and the required Tutorial Files Installation Instructions, and install the datasets as instructed.

Derive the geometry of an existing part and use it to create a part model.

    Derived parts offer several distinct advantages:

  • Derived part functionality can increase your efficiency by providing foundational base geometry upon which to build unique design features.
  • The derived part is linked to the source file: any changes to the source file can be instantly applied to the derived part.
  • The derived part can selectively include various part geometries and characteristics, such as bodies, sketches, work features, and parameters.
  • Derived parts can use less memory.


  • Use a derived part as the base feature of a new part.
  • Add features to a derived part.
  • Modify a base part and update the derived part.
  • Break the link between a derived part and its base part.


  • Know how to set the active project, navigate model space with the various view tools, and perform common modeling functions, such as sketching and extruding.
  • See the Help topic “Getting Started” for further information.

Navigation Tips

  • Use Next or Previous at the bottom-left to advance to the next page or return to the previous one.
