Fill analysis

Fill analysis overview

Click start to play an overview of creating a fill analysis.

Run a part fill analysis

Part fill analysis prerequisites:

  1. On the Core/Cavity tab, click Part Fill Analysis. The Part Fill Analysis dialog box displays.
  2. Click Start. The analysis begins, and the Information dialog box displays. To run the analysis in the background, select Don't show this again.
  3. When the analysis completes, a Results Summary dialog box displays. The analysis results display under the Results node.

Run a mold fill analysis

Mold fill analysis prerequisites:

  1. On the Mold Layout tab, click Mold Fill Analysis. The Mold Fill Analysis dialog box displays.
  2. Click Start. The analysis begins, and the Information dialog box displays. To run the analysis in the background, select Don't show this again.
  3. When the analysis completes, a Results Summary dialog displays. The analysis results display under the Results node.

View the fill analysis results

Fill results consist of graphical results and a Results Summary dialog box. You can view the results of a completed part fill analysis or a mold fill analysis.

  1. In the Mold Design browser, double-click the analysis result node to view. The node is located under the Fill results node in either the mold or the part results. The analysis result displays in the graphics window.
  2. Use the viewing tools to analyze the result details.
  3. Optionally, in the browser, right-click Air traps, or Weld lines and select Overlay when the Fill time is active.
  4. To view the Summary dialog box, double-click the Summary result from beneath the Fill results node.

Delete fill analysis results

You can delete any Fill analysis result, but this action can invalidate previously generated results.

  1. In the Mold Design browser, under Results, right-click the Fill node, and then click Delete.
  2. A warning dialog box displays. If you click Yes, the selected fill results are deleted, and all existing analysis results are marked as out of date for all parts.

Overlay results

You can overlay combinations of complementary fill analyses to gain a greater understanding of polymer flow characteristics.

Fill analysis results show how a part fills, and identify any potential flow problems. You can combine the following analyses to explore your results in more detail.

  1. Ensure that you have the Fill Time result displayed in the graphics window.
  2. In the Mold Design browser, under the Fill results node of either the mold assembly or the individual parts, right-click the Air Traps or Weld Lines node. Then click Overlay.
  3. The Air traps or Weld lines result displays over the top of the Fill time result.