Edit 3D control vertex spline

3D control vertex splines are constructed from a control frame. The vertices of the control frame are created by selecting multiple points in 3D space, or vertices copied from a 2D sketch using the Include command.

Dimensions and constraints

In an active 3D sketch, use one or more of these methods to edit a 3D control vertex spline.

Right-click options

Right-click a spline to use context menu options:

To delete control points:
  1. Select the control point.
  2. Right-click and select Delete.
  3. Note: You can use delete only if there are 5 or more control points including the start point and end point.

Adjust the spline using the control frame

Use options on the context menu to adjust the curvature of a 3D spline. The control frame influences the shape of the spline. Adjust the shape by modifying the control frame.

Adjust the length of the control frame by adding dimensions and constraints.

You can show the curvature of a 3D spline and see the effect of adjustments made to the control frame.

Drag or add dimension to adjust tangency

  1. Click a control vertex, and then drag to change position.

    If appropriate, select a face on the View Cube or click View tab Navigate panel Look At , and select a face. The drag is constrained parallel to the display.

  2. If desired, click 3D Sketch tab Constrain panel Dimension and select the control frame. Enter a value for the dimension.

    Experiment to see the effect of the dimension.

Use 3D Move/Rotate to adjust tangency of 3D splines

The 3D coordinate triad shows X, Y, and Z planes. The red arrow indicates X, the green arrow is Y, and the blue arrow is Z. Click any part of the triad to set movement.

The triad is first positioned at 0,0,0 but thereafter remembers its location.

  1. Right-click a control vertex and select 3D Move/Rotate. The 3D triad is positioned on the vertex.
  2. Rotate the view to see the triad axes.
  3. Select a triad segment to enter values relative to the selected geometry.
    • Click an arrowhead to move along the selected axis.
    • Click an arrow shaft to enter a rotation angle around the selected axis.
    • Click a plane to enter distances on that plane. The third plane is not available.
    • Click the triad sphere to enter distances in all three axes.
  4. If desired, click Reposition Triad to enter coordinates for the triad only, not sketch geometry.
  5. Click OK to quit.