About this tutorial

Add rules to models.


Experienced Users

Time Required

30 minutes

Tutorial File Used


Note: Click and read the required Tutorial Files Installation Instructions athttp://www.autodesk.com/inventor-tutorial-data-sets-2014 . Then download the tutorial data sets and the required Tutorial Files Installation Instructions, and install the datasets as instructed.

This tutorial expands upon the information presented in the iLogic Basics tutorial. iLogic helps you write rules that can drive the parameters, features, attributes, iProperties, and other elements in an Autodesk Inventor model. The rules are stored within the part or assembly document.

iLogic rules are written in a language that is a slightly modified version of Visual Basic .Net (VB.Net). The language is easy to learn, including the more advanced features that are also available.

In the following lessons, you add rules to a parametric part.



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