Tweak the Retaining Ring

  1. Click Clear in the Tweak Component dialog box. The Direction button is again active.
  2. Move your cursor over the pin that was exposed when you moved the clamp.
  3. When the pin highlights, click to define the direction axis.
  4. In this case, you want to move the retaining ring along the Z axis (the default active transformation axis). Click both retaining rings to select, and then drag both to the left side of the view.
  5. Click Close in the Tweak Component dialog box.

    Notice that the trail for the retaining ring that was farthest away does not perfectly overlap the longer trail.

  6. Click the + next to the Model browser node for ANSI B 27.7M 3AMI-7:1.
  7. Right-mouse click the Tweak entry in the Model browser, and select Visibility. The check mark is removed, the browser entry displays as unavailable, and the displayed trail in the graphics window is no longer visible.
  8. Click Save. By default, the Presentation file created has the same name as the assembly that was placed initially. Presentation files have the IPN file type extension. Your file is named Cylinder Clamp.ipn.

Next, you will place the exploded view that you just created onto a new sheet. You will create the sheet in the assembly drawing you edited in the Drawings tutorial.

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