Make Adaptive

The Make Adaptive command applies to both the tube and pipe reuse workflow and assembly configuration workflow. Transition can only be completed until file names in the New Name list pass the check.


In the Model browser, activate the parent tube and pipe environment, right-click the secondary occurrence, and select Make Adaptive.


Read-only original file names of a selected secondary occurrence with contained adaptive exclusive tube and pipe components with the following exception:

  • Library fittings are reusable so they are not listed.
  • Secondary occurrences within the selected secondary occurrence cannot be made adaptive directly so they are not listed.
  • If prompt for conduit file names is enabled for the master runs assembly, conduit parts are available for customizing the file names.

New Name

Specifies the unique file name for new adaptive primary occurrences. By default, the new primary occurrence follows the standard tube and pipe file naming convention. Keep in mind that file names in your project work space differ from display names in the Model browser.

When you are customizing the new file names, the table provides visual feedback in different colors.

Make all runs adaptive

Only available when transitioning a non-adaptive master runs assembly in either reuse workflow or configuration workflow.

Specifies whether you want to make all contained routes and runs adaptive.

  • If checked, the entire master runs assembly is reused in the new adaptive master runs assembly.
  • If cleared, only the master runs assembly file itself is reused and routes and runs remain non-adaptive. In the Name and New Name list, only the master runs assembly is displayed.
Tip: To reuse only a small portion of routes and runs, clear the check box. You can specifically make secondary occurrences of those few routes and runs adaptive at a later time.

Location for files

In the reuse workflow, it is only available when transitioning a secondary occurrence of master runs assembly. For other exclusive tube and pipe components, the new primary occurrences are stored in the original parent folder. Enters or browses to the location to store the new files in your project work space. We recommend that you use the default location to respect the typical tube and pipe file structure.

In the configuration workflow, file location for tube and pipe components are system-defined. Each configuration is affiliated to a specific folder.