Frame Analysis Settings - Solver tab

Frame Analysis solver settings are applicable to all simulations. Whenever a new simulation is started these preferences are used. You can override the global settings on a per simulation basis by changing the simulation properties.

This section discusses the controls on the Solver tab.


Ribbon: Frame Analysis tab Settings panel Frame Analysis Settings
Solver Defaults  
  DSC Algorithm (Beam Releases)

Select to enable the discontinuity element during calculations of a structure where releases are defined.

  Beam Points Specify number of beam points that are calculated by solver.

DSC Algorithm

DSC Algorithm enables you to calculate a structure with releases.

For any beam, for which you defined any type of analysis, with the following releases:

The following operations are performed:

The DSC element is a 2-node element, where the nodal forces are generated according to the following formula:

Using the DSC elements lets you define elastic releases in a beam.