Part-on-disk Method

In the following steps, you create a substitute level of detail representation using a supplied, manually created substitute part. The derived part you created earlier created a significant savings in relative memory consumption. The simplified substitute can consume less memory than the derived part, depending on the number of features of the part.

  1. In the assembly document, right-click the WormGear subassembly in the browser, and then select Open.
  2. Save the assembly.
  3. Expand the Representations folder, right-click the Level of Detail node, and then select New SubstituteSelect Part File.
  4. Select single_part.ipt.
  5. Click Open.

    A message states the part will be designated as a substitute, and that all links to external references for the part will be disabled.

  6. Click Yes.

    The substitute level of detail representation is created and automatically set as the active level of detail representation.

  7. Rename this representation Simple Part Substitute.
  8. Save and close the WormGear.iam assembly.

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