Rotational Tweaks

  1. On the ribbon, click Presentation tab Create panel Tweak Components , or right-click and select Tweak Components from the marking menu.
  2. Define your Direction axes by clicking the vertical edge of Clamp.ipt as shown:
  3. Select Rotate Axis in the Transformations area of the Tweak Component dialog box.
  4. Click and drag in the graphics window to rotate the clamp. Alternatively, enter a precise angle value in the field to the right of Rotate Axis, and press Enter to rotate the clamp by the entered value.
  5. Click Close in the Tweak Component dialog box.
  6. It is possible to delete individual tweaks. In the Model browser, click the + to the left of Clamp.ipt to display the two tweaks that have been applied to the clamp.
  7. Right-mouse click the second tweak, and select Delete from the pop-up context menu. The rotational tweak that you just created is deleted from your Presentation, and Clamp.ipt returns to the position it occupied before the application of the tweak.
  8. Save and close each of the three open files.

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