Edit BIM Exchange connector in model

Edit BIM Exchange connectors to change their associated information.

Start with an open Autodesk Inventor part or assembly file that contains the connectors you want to edit

  1. On the ribbon, click Environments tab Begin panel BIM Exchange .
  2. The existing connectors appear in the BIM Exchange environment graphics window, and browser.
  3. In the browser, expand the MEP System Connections icon, and expand the connector types to edit.
  4. In the browser, or in the graphics window, right-click a connector and click Edit Connector.
    Note: When you pause the cursor over a connector in the graphics window or its name in the browser, its color changes, and it highlights.
  5. The connector dialog box for the selected connector displays. You can change the shape, orientation, size, and properties of the selected connector.
  6. When you finish the edits, click OK to update the information.
Important: Connectors do not indicate direction. They indicate a mating face or plane. Generally, connectors point away from the solid body component face or opening.