The three weld groups represent stages in the weldment process:
Features added in the three groups act at the assembly-level only. They do not appear in the individual parts and subassemblies.
The following image shows weld and machining features in a weldment assembly.
The weldment features exist in the weldment assembly only and do not affect the part files.
You activate the various weldment feature groups with the Weld tab or through the Model browser. To do this, you must first open a Weldment file.
Commands for creating weld preparations, such as chamfers and assembly-level cut extrusions, become active on the Weld tab.
You can also activate one of the three weld groups through the Model browser. For example, if you double-click Welds in the browser, the commands for creating welds, such as Fillet, Groove, and Cosmetic, become active. Alternatively, you can right-click a group in the browser and select Edit from the context menu.