Use the Tube & Pipe Styles command to copy and modify existing style definitions and delete styles you no longer use. You can change the active style from the Tube & Pipe Styles dialog box or the ribbon. When editing a route, you can change the active style for that route, and the model updates to conform to the new style. For example, if switching from a rigid tube and fittings style to a bent tube style, the individual rigid pipe run components are removed from the browser and replaced by a single bent tube run.
When a tube and pipe style uses the conduit part or fittings in a library that is currently not available, you must configure the library before you can continue modifying this style and populating routes that use this style.
Alternatively, you can change the active style from the browser list in the Tube and Pipe Styles dialog box.
All new routes and runs are created using the active style.
You can change the style used for an active route to quickly make dramatic or subtle changes to your routed system. Note that you cannot change a flexible hose type route to a rigid type by changing the route type in the style. To change a flexible hose route to a rigid type route, delete the route, and then recreate it using the rigid style.
Alternatively, you can change the active style from the browser list in the Tube and Pipe Styles dialog box.
All new routes and runs are created using the active style.
The modified style settings are reflected in any routes or runs using that style. To make the modified style the active style for forward creation, right-click in the browser and select Active, and then click Save.
The style is copied and listed in the browser.
The style is removed from the list.