
Create a standard slider

  1. In the Mold Assembly tab, click Slider.
  2. In the Slider dialog box, select a slider from the Type drop-down list. The list includes an image with the vendor and category of each slider type.
  3. Click Plastic Part and then in the graphics window, select a plastic part.
  4. In Placement, select the placement parameters of the slider.
  5. In Drawing Distance, click Side Core and then in the graphics window, select a side core.
  6. Enter a value for Travel and the travel result preview displays in the graphics window. To calculate the length of the angle pin automatically as a reference value, click Update Travel.
  7. Click Generic detailed preview to update the preview in the graphics window.
  8. Click OK or Apply.

Create a customized slider

  1. In the Mold Assembly tab, click Slider.
  2. In the Place Slider dialog box, select a slider in the Type drop-down list. The list includes an image with the vendor and category of each slider type.
  3. Select the Customize check box.
  4. Under Components, select a component to customize.
  5. Next to the selected component, click Properties. A dialog box for the component type displays.
  6. Modify Size and Dimensions.
  7. Click OK.
  8. In the Place Slider dialog box, select Plastic Part and then in the graphics window, select a plastic part.
  9. In Placement, select the placement parameters of the slider.
  10. In Drawing Distance, click Side Core and then in the graphics window, select a side core.
  11. Enter a value for Travel and then click the Update button to preview the result in the graphics window. The length of the angle pin is automatically calculated as a reference value.
  12. Click OK or Apply.

Import and export a slider as a template

  1. In the Mold Assembly tab, click Slider.
  2. To import a slider template:
    1. Click Import Size.
    2. In the Open dialog box, locate and select a template file.
    3. Click Open.
  3. To export a slider as a template:
    1. Click Save Size.
    2. In the Save As dialog box, navigate to the folder in which to save the template.
    3. Enter a name for the template.
    4. Click Save.

Edit a slider

  1. In the Mold Design browser, under Slider Assemblies, right-click a Slider Assembly node, and then click Edit Feature.
  2. In the Slider Assembly dialog box, modify the settings.
  3. Click OK.

Delete a slider