Report Generator Commands

Before you begin processing reports, explore the commands on the Report Generator dialog box. To display the Report Generator dialog box, click Cable and Harness tab Manage panel Report .


The Report Generator user interface consists of a menu bar, toolbar, and document window. When the dialog box is first displayed, the document window is empty. After a report is generated, the text files containing the output from generated reports are displayed. The toolbar and menu bar contain features for generating and modifying reports, and several standard Windows features.

The following commands are available on the Report Generator toolbar. Pause your cursor over the toolbar to view the tooltips.

New Text File

Creates a new, blank text file.

Open Text File

Opens an existing text file.

Save Text File

Saves the selected text file using the name and location specified.

Cut, Copy, Paste

Cuts, copies, or pastes the selected text.


Sends the selected text files to print.

Create Report

Sets the files to use for processing reports on the active harness assembly, and creates a report output file. Also removes reports from the list, and can rename and relocate the output file.

Edit a configuration (.cfg) file

Selects the configuration file to edit. Displays the configuration file dialog box with options to modify the format and specify information to include for the selected file.

Cascade Text Files

Arranges text files in the document window to overlap slightly.

Tile Text Files

Arranges text files in the document window to display with no overlap.

Close Text Files

Closes all files displayed in the document window.