Item numbers in bills of materials

Item numbers are used in tabulated reports, such as parts lists, balloon call-outs, and the BOM to cross reference view geometry to the corresponding properties of an item. Item numbers are associatively maintained across these documents.

The Item Column displays item numbers in the Bill of Materials. Every item is automatically assigned an item number. The item number can be edited as needed. Changes to item numbers update automatically in the parts list and balloons, with one exception. Values in the Parts List that are set as Static values do not update.

You can renumber BOM items. The renumbering is based on the current sort order of the rows in the BOM table. The Renumber option is enabled if no rows are selected, if only one row is selected, or if multiple rows with the same parent are selected.

If two or more rows that belong to the same parent are selected, the Renumber command renumbers these selected rows based on the current sort order. All other rows that belong to the same parent are also renumbered.

The option is disabled if:


In a Parts List, use the Save Item overrides to the BOM command to push overridden item numbers back to the BOM.

Modified cells in a Parts List that have not been saved back to the BOM are displayed in dark blue.

Note: Item numbers in custom rows in a Parts List cannot be saved back to the BOM.
Tip: To prevent overriding item numbers in the assembly Bill of Materials, lock the Item cell in the BOM. When you try to override the value of a locked cell, a notification dialog box alerts you the cell you are attempting to override is locked. You have the choice to remove the lock or to block the override.

Locked items are skipped when renumbering a selection set containing locked values.