Add surface covering symbols in GOST drawings

  1. On the ribbon, click Annotate (ESKD) tabSymbols panelSurface Covering. A plus (+) sign and a box appear beside the cursor.
  2. Place the cursor on the surface where you want to add the surface covering. The surface color changes when you hover over the surface.
  3. Click the appropriate surface or surfaces.
  4. Right-click, and select Continue. A dotted line appears beside the selected surface and a line is added under the Sketched Symbols node in the browser.
  5. Right-click, and select Done (Esc).

Edit Surface Covering Symbol

  1. In the graphic window, right-click the Surface Covering symbol you want to edit, and select Edit Surface Covering Symbol.
Note: Also, double-click the symbol to launch the dialog box to make edits.

Delete Surface Covering Symbol

  1. In the drawing area, right-click the edge with the Surface Covering you want to delete, and select Delete.