Showcase settings - Inventor reference


This setting is used in AutoCAD and Inventor to control the conversion of a model to meshes in Showcase. The results can display one level of detail (1LOD) with one mesh per object, or multiple levels of detail. Using a 1LOD setting provides improved rendering performance, and is suitable for multi-part models.


Visual Style (abstract and realistic)

These options are of two general types: abstract and realistic. Abstract styles are recommended for conceptual designs or work in progress, as they clearly show the relative sizes and proportions of objects. Realistic styles are recommended for more advanced designs, as these styles show details more clearly.


Light style (Showcase Background Environment)

Match environment to current lighting style matches the lighting style of the currently active file.

These settings provide the visual context for your design. The environments are not simple background images. They cast light, so the surroundings can be reflected in the surfaces of your design. Choices are largely subjective, but some guidelines are provided. On the Showcase Environment menu, set the environment to use for smaller designs. In the next setting, If Model Is Larger Than, specify the maximum linear dimension in meters for a smaller design. On the Large-Scale Environment menu, set the environment to use for designs with a linear dimension that exceeds the specified value. Both the Showcase Environment and the Large-Scale Environment menus have the same options.

Match Environment to Current Lighting Style is an Inventor setting that automatically selects a suitable environment based on the lighting style. When selected, this setting disables the options for manually selecting an environment.

Showcase Environment and Large-Scale Environment Options

The following environments are recommended for large designs, up to 70 m in size.

The following environments are recommended for designs up to 7 m in size.

The following environments are recommended for small designs, up to 1 m in size.

Environment Ground Plane Level (Environment Ground Level in Revit) specifies the ground level in relation to the model. The ground plane receives shadows from the model. This plane can be placed at the bottom of the model, match the Inventor Ground Plane, or can be specified by the user (AutoCAD and Revit only). Asking the user for this detail is useful for buildings, which can have underground details.

Center Environment on Model is a recommended setting, as it centers the environment without moving the model. Moving the model is not recommended when you import Inventor constraints or when you assemble the scene out of multiple files.

Object Animation

Create Animated Behavior from Constraints is available only for Inventor. This setting allows you to choose the constraints to be converted into animated behaviors. It works well with machinery models, as it enables you to show different constraints in action, and to add triggers and behaviors to slides.