Import and use IDF board data

You can import IDF board data to a new part or assembly file or place it directly into an existing Autodesk Inventor assembly as a solid body component. If needed, you can also assign colors to the board and certain board items.

To open IDF board data in Autodesk Inventor

When you open a file with IDF board data as a new assembly or part, Autodesk Inventor creates a standard .iam or .ipt file with IDF board components. Once imported, the IDF data can be used as a component in other assemblies or as a stand-alone part or assembly.

  1. Click Open.
  2. In the Open dialog box, change the file type to IDF Board File (.brd,.emn,.bdf,.idb), and then select the file to open.
  3. Click Open to start reading data.
  4. In the Import IDF Options dialog box, view the summary data, and then select the type of document to create (assembly or part).
  5. Select the items to import:
    • To import all items, click OK.
    • To import selected items, clear the check mark for the items to exclude, and then click OK.
    • To import selected items in a different color, highlight the item name, click the Item color arrow to select a color from the palette, and then click OK.
  6. Click Save to save the file.

Click Cancel to exit the dialog box without importing data.

To import IDF board data into an existing assembly

  1. Open the destination Autodesk Inventor assembly file.
  2. On the ribbon, click Assemble tab Component panel Place .
  3. In the Open dialog box, select IDF Board File as the Files of type, and then select the file to import.
  4. Click Open to begin reading IDF components.
  5. In the Import IDF Options dialog box, view the summary data, and then select the type of file to create, part or assembly.
  6. Select the items to import:
    • To import all items, click OK.
    • To import selected items, clear the check mark for the items to exclude, and then click OK.
    • To import selected items in a different color, highlight the item name, click the Item color arrow to select a color from the palette, and then click OK.
      Note: Click Cancel to exit without importing data.

    The assembly or part document for the imported IDF data is displayed.

  7. Return to the destination assembly to place the component as usual.

For more information on placing components search for "place components in assembly" in the Help Help Topics index.