Create a Project

Next, we create a project.

  1. Create a folder on your local hard drive in the My Documents area. Name the new folder InventorMasterProject.
  2. Locate the Tutorial Files folder in the Autodesk Inventor install directory.
  3. Copy the Arbor Press folder to the InventorMasterProject folder.

    Notice that the Arbor Press folder contains two subfolders to further organize the data files.

  4. Start Autodesk Inventor in a blank document state.
  5. If the Projects dialog box is not currently open, close any open files, and then click ManageProjects.
  6. Click New at the bottom of the dialog box.
  7. Click New Single User Project, and then select Next on the Autodesk Inventor project wizard dialog box that appears.
  8. In the Name field, enter: InventorMasterProject
  9. In the Project (Workspace) Folder, select Browse to navigate to the InventorMasterProject folder.
  10. Select InventorMasterProject from the folder list and click OK to close the Browse For Folder dialog box.
  11. Click Finish in the Inventor project wizard dialog box to create the project.

    Autodesk Inventor adds the new project to the list of your other projects and makes the new project the currently active project.

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