Opens the 3D print preview environment with a display of the model in a tessellated condition before you create the export file.
3D Print Preview.
In the Send to 3D Print Service dialog box, click 3D Print Preview.
In the Save Copy As dialog box opened from 3D Print Preview, click Preview.
Provides access to commands for the 3D printing service workflow.
Opens the Send to 3D Print Service dialog box and starts the 3D printing service workflow. Available when you access 3D Print Preview in Print on the Application menu.
Exports the objects as they appear in the preview to the file type for the 3D printer. Available when you access 3D Print Preview in Print on the Application menu.
Switches the component in the preview to the one that comes before it in the component preview stack. If the current preview is the first in the stack, displays the last component in the preview stack. Available only with multiple components in the component preview stack.
Displays the name of the part file to export. If there are multiple files to export, lists the name of each part file and its number of occurrences. Select any file name in the list to preview it.
Switches the component in the preview to the one that comes after it in the component preview stack. If the current preview is the last in the stack, displays the first component in the preview stack. Available only with multiple components in the component preview stack.
Turns off and on the display of wireframe or facet edges in the faceted preview image.
Displays the preview image based on the export options of the selected file type. Lists only file types (*.stl) that 3D printers accept.
Opens the options of the export translator selected in the File Type list box. You can adjust the parameters for the preview image.
Closes the 3D Print Preview dialog box and returns to the previous view.
Displays the number of facets used to create the current preview image. Changes when you change export options or change previews.
If you create a file with the export options settings of the current preview image, displays the size of the file. Changes when you change the export options settings.