Rule Text Reference

The following is a complete text reference of all the rules presented in this tutorial. These rules are also available in completed form in the manifold_block_complete.iam file, which is included in the tutorials directory.


Copy Code Block

Parameter("manifold_block:1", "block") = block
Parameter("manifold_block:1", "component_type") = component_type
Parameter("manifold_block:1", "port_a_size") = port_a_size
Parameter("manifold_block:1", "port_b_size") = port_b_size
Parameter("manifold_block:1", "port_c_size") = port_c_size


Copy Code Block

If component_type = "standard" Then
port_b_size = port_a_size
port_c_size = port_a_size
End If


Copy Code Block

i = iPart.FindRow("port_a_union", "port_size", "=", port_a_size)
port_a_y_dist_between_screws = iPart.CurrentRowValue("y_dist_betwn_screw")
port_a_x_dist_between_screws = iPart.CurrentRowValue("x_dist_betwn_screw")

If port_a_size = .50 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_a_union_screw", "Screw-01")
elseif port_a_size = .75 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_a_union_screw", "Screw-02")
elseif port_a_size = 1.00 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_a_union_screw", "Screw-02")
elseif port_a_size = 1.25 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_a_union_screw", "Screw-03")
elseif port_a_size = 1.50 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_a_union_screw", "Screw-04")
elseif port_a_size = 2.00 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_a_union_screw", "Screw-04")
elseif port_a_size = 2.50 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_a_union_screw", "Screw-05")
elseif port_a_size = 3.00 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_a_union_screw", "Screw-06")
End If

port_a_union_part_number = iProperties.Value("port_a_union", "Project", "Part Number")


Copy Code Block

If block = "elbow" Then
isTee = False
isTee = True
End If

Constraint.IsActive("port_b_cap_center") = isTee
Constraint.IsActive("port_b_cap_hole") = isTee
Constraint.IsActive("port_b_cap_face") = isTee
Constraint.IsActive("port_b_cap_screw") = isTee
Component.IsActive("port_b_union") = isTee
Component.IsActive("port_b_screw_pattern") = isTee

If port_b_size = .50 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_b_union_screw", "Screw-01")
elseif port_b_size = .75 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_b_union_screw", "Screw-02")
elseif port_b_size = 1.00 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_b_union_screw", "Screw-02")
elseif port_b_size = 1.25 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_b_union_screw", "Screw-03")
elseif port_b_size = 1.50 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_b_union_screw", "Screw-04")
elseif port_b_size = 2.00 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_b_union_screw", "Screw-04")
elseif port_b_size = 2.50 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_b_union_screw", "Screw-05")
elseif port_b_size = 3.00 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_b_union_screw", "Screw-06")
end If


Copy Code Block

i = iPart.FindRow("port_c_union", "port_size", "=", port_c_size)
port_c_y_dist_between_screws = iPart.CurrentRowValue("y_dist_betwn_screw")
port_c_x_dist_between_screws = iPart.CurrentRowValue("x_dist_betwn_screw")

If port_c_size = .50 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_c_union_screw", "Screw-01")
elseif port_c_size = .75 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_c_union_screw", "Screw-02")
elseif port_c_size = 1.00 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_c_union_screw", "Screw-02")
elseif port_c_size = 1.25 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_c_union_screw", "Screw-03")
elseif port_c_size = 1.50 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_c_union_screw", "Screw-04")
elseif port_c_size = 2.00 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_c_union_screw", "Screw-04")
elseif port_c_size = 2.50 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_c_union_screw", "Screw-05")
elseif port_c_size = 3.00 then
iPart.ChangeRow("port_c_union_screw", "Screw-06")
End If

port_c_union_part_number = iProperties.Value("port_c_union", "Project", "Part Number")


Copy Code Block

Select Case port_a_size
Case .50
Screw_num1 = 050
Case .75
Screw_num1 = 075
Case 1.00
Screw_num1 = 100
Case 1.25
Screw_num1 = 125
Case 1.50
Screw_num1 = 150
Case 2.00
Screw_num1 = 200
Case 2.50
Screw_num1 = 250
Case 3.00
Screw_num1 = 300
End Select

port_a_screw_part_number = "UNBRAKO-" & Screw_num1 & "-SCREW"

Copy Code Block

Select Case port_b_size
Case .50
Screw_num1 = 050
Case .75
Screw_num1 = 075
Case 1.00
Screw_num1 = 100
Case 1.25
Screw_num1 = 125
Case 1.50
Screw_num1 = 150
Case 2.00
Screw_num1 = 200
Case 2.50
Screw_num1 = 250
Case 3.00
Screw_num1 = 300
End Select

port_b_screw_part_number = "UNBRAKO-" & Screw_num1 & "-SCREW"

Copy Code Block

Select Case port_c_size
Case .50
Screw_num1 = 050
Case .75
Screw_num1 = 075
Case 1.00
Screw_num1 = 100
Case 1.25
Screw_num1 = 125
Case 1.50
Screw_num1 = 150
Case 2.00
Screw_num1 = 200
Case 2.50
Screw_num1 = 250
Case 3.00
Screw_num1 = 300
End Select

port_c_screw_part_number = "UNBRAKO-" & Screw_num1 & "-SCREW"


Copy Code Block

GoExcel.CellValue("part_number.xls", "Sheet1", "Block_Type") = component_type
GoExcel.CurrentCellValue("Block_Style") = block
GoExcel.CurrentCellValue("Block_Part_Number") = iProperties.Value("manifold_block:1", "Project", "Part Number")

GoExcel.CurrentCellValue("port_a_size") = port_a_size
If block = "tee" Then
GoExcel.CurrentCellValue("port_b_size") = port_b_size
GoExcel.CurrentCellValue("port_b_size") = "N/A"
End If
GoExcel.CurrentCellValue("port_c_size") = port_c_size

GoExcel.CurrentCellValue("block_depth") = Parameter("manifold_block:1", "block_depth")
GoExcel.CurrentCellValue("block_width") = Parameter("manifold_block:1", "block_width")
GoExcel.CurrentCellValue("block_height") = Parameter("manifold_block:1", "block_height")

GoExcel.CurrentCellValue("port_a_union_cap") = port_a_union_part_number
GoExcel.CurrentCellValue("port_a_screw_kit") = port_a_screw_part_number
If block = "tee" Then
GoExcel.CurrentCellValue("port_b_union_cap") = port_b_union_part_number
GoExcel.CurrentCellValue("port_b_screw_kit") = port_b_screw_part_number
GoExcel.CurrentCellValue("port_b_union_cap") = "N/A"
GoExcel.CurrentCellValue("port_b_screw_kit") = "N/A"
End If
GoExcel.CurrentCellValue("port_c_union_cap") = port_c_union_part_number
GoExcel.CurrentCellValue("port_c_screw_kit") = port_c_screw_part_number

