You can add a table with additional manufacturing information. First generate a report or a standard Autodesk Inventor bill of materials or parts list with the required information.
If a report is not generated before entering the nailboard environment, use the Report command to generate it. Once the report is generated, you use the Table tool to select the report output file and place the table in the drawing. You place parts lists and tables in nailboard just as you place parts lists and tables in other drawings.
Once the table is placed, you can move or resize the table by dragging the edges. You can also edit the table to change:
Typically, tables include wire run list, bill of material, or connector information. In this exercise, you place a cable and harness bill of materials that was created using the Report Generator in the nailboard drawing. The cable and harness bill of materials is unique to the harness assembly and cannot contain standard Inventor parts list information. It does not include virtual part or ribbon cable information.
If changes are made to the external report file while the drawing is open, you can update the table. Right-click the table in the browser, and then select Update. The location and filename must be the same for the update to work.