The Extrude Runoff Surface feature creates, edits, or deletes a runoff surface, by extrusion.
Create a runoff surface by extrusion
- In the Core/Cavity tab, click Extrude Runoff Surface.
- In the graphics window, select an edge of the plastic part.
- Select a method to set the direction of the runoff surface:
- To rotate the direction by 90 degrees, click Rotate, and then click X or Y depending upon your choice of direction. To change to a different direction, enter a value for the angle in the Edit box. Click Flip Direction to reverse the direction.
- To align the direction of a point, click Align Axis. In the graphics window, select an edge or surface, to set the reference direction.
Note: You can select the surface edge, face edge, planar face, work axis, or work plane as the reference direction.
- Click Apply.
Edit an extruded runoff surface
- In the Mold Design browser, under Runoff Surfaces, right-click an Extrude Runoff Surface node, and then click Edit Feature.
- In the Extrude Runoff Surface dialog box, modify the parameters.
- Click OK.
Delete an extruded runoff surface
- In the Mold Design browser, under Runoff Surfaces, right-click an Extrude Runoff Surface node, and then click Delete.