Exclude Components

In any assembly, there can be components and part features that are not affected by the forces acting on the assembly or have no bearing on the outcome of applying the forces.

For these reasons, and to help the simulation solve faster, it is good to exclude those parts when simulating an assembly response. For a single part simulation, you consider suppressing specific model features.

For an assembly analysis, you use the component context menu option Exclude From Simulation. Exclusion is different from suppression, which is what is done when you use a Level of Detail representation. If you think you plan to use the component at a later date in the same simulation, then use the Exclude From Simulation. If you know you will not refer to it later, then you can use a Level of Detail representation.

Because we purposely defined an Assembly Level of Detail representation for this stress analysis simulation, we do not need to exclude several parts. We simply specify that the simulation will use that representation.

Note: In most cases, this is the optimum way to lower the component count.

If you do not specify the Level of detail representation when first creating the simulation, then you can use the following steps to make use of it.

  1. Right-click the Simulation browser node, and click Edit Simulation Properties.
  2. Click the dialog box Model State tab.
  3. For Level of Detail input, click the drop-down list and select Stress LOD.
  4. Click OK. The assembly updates to represent the requested level of detail.

This workflow illustrates how advanced planning, wherever possible, can reduce the effort needed in other phases of your design project.

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