Work with data groups in construction environment

After importing data, double-click the Construction folder in the browser to enter the construction environment.

To return to the part environment, right-click the Construction folder, and select Finish Construction.

Add new group

Right-click in the graphics window or in the browse, and select Define New Group.

If you specify a group name that is already in use when opening and translating a file, the data is placed in the exiting group name.

Move data to different group

  1. Open a file that contains more than one group, such as a file where data has previously been imported into the construction environment.
  2. Right-click a group or subgroup name, and select Move to Group.
  3. Click the destination group.

All data is moved to the new group. If you moved all data in a folder, such as a surfaces subfolder, an empty group remains.

Delete group and subgroups

  1. Open a file with more than one group, such as a file where data has been previously imported into the construction environment.
  2. Right-click a group or subgroup, and select Delete.

You can delete surfaces, wires, or solids in the graphics window. Groups in the browser update with the new totals.

Rename group

Slowly double-click the group name, and enter a different name.

Set visibility of group

You can turn visibility off and on:

Isolate data with errors

Once you analyze data with the Quality Check command, you can hide data without errors to help isolate and repair the data. Use one of these methods: