Manual Sketch

After you create an insert sketch, you can edit, redefine, or delete it.

Create an insert sketch manually

  1. In the Core/Cavity tab, click the Insert drop-down arrow, and then click Manual Sketch.
  2. In the graphics window, select the geometry, such as a work plane or planar plane, to define a sketch plane.
  3. Click OK to enter the 2D sketch environment.
  4. In the 2D sketch environment, draw a sketch with the 2D Sketch tools.
  5. On the Sketch tab, click Finish Sketch.

Edit a manual sketch

  1. In the Mold Design browser, right-click a Runner Sketch, Cooling Sketch, or Insert Sketch node, and then click Edit Sketch.

    Mold Design switches to the Model environment, and the Sketch tab is active

  2. Modify the sketch, and then in the Sketch tab, click Finish Sketch.

Redefine a manual sketch

  1. In the Mold Design browser, right-click a Runner Sketch, Cooling Sketch, or Insert Sketch node, and then click Redefine.
  2. In the Manual Sketch dialog box, modify the parameters.
  3. Click OK.

Delete a manual sketch