Auto Runner Sketch

After a runner sketch is automatically created, you can edit, redefine, or delete it.

Create an auto runner sketch

  1. In the Mold Layout tab, click Auto Runner Sketch.
  2. In the Auto Runner Sketch dialog box, select the Balance type and the Pattern.
  3. Select the geometry in the graphics window to define a sketch plane.
  4. In the Parameter List, modify the parameters.
  5. If necessary, click the arrowheads in the graphics window to specify the X offset, the Y offset, and Rotation angle.
  6. Click OK.

Edit an auto runner sketch

  1. In the Mold Design browser, under Runner, right-click a Runner Sketch node, and then click Edit Sketch.

    Mold Design switches to the Model environment and the Sketch tab is active

  2. Modify the runner sketch.
  3. In the Sketch tab, click Finish

Redefine an auto runner sketch

  1. In the Mold Design browser, under Runner, right-click a Runner Sketch node, and then click Redefine.
  2. In the Auto Runner Sketch dialog box, modify the parameters.
  3. Click OK.

Delete an auto runner sketch