Build a library by copying materials into a favorites or other custom library.
Note: You will be notified when attempting to add a material to a library with a material name that already exists in the library and have the option to keep both or replace.
- In the QAT, click Material . The Material browser displays.
- Verify that the source and target libraries display in the Material browser. If they do not, do one of the following:
- Edit the project file to include the missing library.
- In the browser toolbar, click , then click Open Existing Library. Navigate to the library and select it.
- Create a target custom library.
- In the library section, select the source library that contains the material to copy.
- In the material list, select the material to copy.
- Drag and drop the material into the target library.
Alternatively, in the material context menu, use Add to... and select the target library.