Set options for projects

After you create a single-user project or an Autodesk Vault project, use the Project Editor to customize options.

  1. In the Project Editor, double-click the project name to make it the active project.
  2. In Use Styles Library, specify how the project uses a style library:
    • Use Styles Library = Read Write Uses the style library defined in the style library folder options. All designers can create and edit styles, and save them to the writable style library, replacing previous style definitions.
    • Use Style Library = Read Only Designers cannot save new and changed styles to the style library, and cannot replace Library definitions.
  3. In Frequently Used Subfolders, right-click to add a shortcut to a subfolder of a project location where you frequently open or save files.
  4. In the lower pane of the project editor, click Options:
    • Old Versions to Keep on Save The default is one. -1 saves all versions. Right-click, and select Edit. Enter a value, and press Enter to set the number of versions to keep.
    • Using Unique Filenames Specifies whether you use duplicate file names in the project. If Yes, and the file is not in the location stored in the reference, the software searches the project folder structure for a unique file with a referenced file name. If No, the Resolve Files dialog box opens so you can locate the file manually.
    • Name Right-click, and select Rename to change the name of the project. The project name in the upper pane updates, but not the shortcut name. Change it separately.
    • Shortcut Right-click, and select Edit or Delete. If you delete the shortcut, the software recreates it automatically when you access the project.
    • Owner Names the project owner, typically the lead engineer, or CAD administrator. Optional.
    • Release ID The version of the released project data. Useful to document a library folder. Optional.
  5. Click Save to save the project file, or Cancel to close the dialog box.