Mold Design | Displays the parent node of a mold. | |
Representations Folder | Contains the view representations for an assembly. | |
View | Contains the view representations for the assembly. | |
Plastic Part | Displays the parent node of an invisible plastic part. | |
Plastic Part | Displays the parent node of a visible plastic part. | |
Orientation | Contains the current Z orientation setting. | |
Gate Locations | Displays the parent node of gate locations. | |
Gate Location | Displays an individual gate location. | |
Process Settings | Contains the current part or mold process settings. | |
Shrinkage | Sets or calculates part shrinkage values. | |
Workpiece | Contains the current workpiece shape and dimensions. | |
Patching Surfaces | Displays the parent node of surface patches. | |
Surface Group | Displays the group node for a collection of surfaces. | |
Patch | Displays an individual surface patch. | |
Runoff Surfaces | Displays the parent node of runoff surfaces. | |
Runoff Surface | Displays an individual runoff surface. | |
Core Cavity | Displays the core cavity parent node. | |
Cavity | Displays the cavity node. | |
Core | Displays the core node. | |
Inserts | Displays the parent node of inserts and insert sketches. | |
Insert | Contains the design parameters of an insert. | |
Placed Insert | Displays a placed insert. | |
Sketch | Displays a manual sketch. | |
Shared Sketch | Displays a manual shared sketch. | |
Auto Sketch | Displays an auto runner sketch. | |
Shared Auto Sketch | Displays a shared auto runner sketch. | |
Results | Displays the parent analysis results node. | |
Results Folder | Contains individual analysis results. | |
Result | Displays an individual analysis result. | |
Summary | Displays an individual analysis summary. | |
Material | Displays the material node or individual material. | |
Mold Base | Displays the parent node of a mold base. | |
Mold Base Plate | Displays the mold base plate. | |
Standard Component | Displays a standard component of a mold base. | |
Runner | Displays the parent node of runners and runner sketches. | |
Runner Channel | Contains the runner shape and design parameters. | |
Gates | Displays the parent node of gates. | |
Gate | Displays an individual gate. | |
Sprue Bushing | Contains the design parameters of a sprue bushing. | |
Locating Ring | Contains the design parameters of a locating ring. | |
Ejecting Components | Displays the parent node of ejector pins and sleeves. | |
Ejector Pin Group | Displays the parent node of an ejector pin collection. | |
Ejector Pin | Displays an individual ejector pin. | |
Slider Assemblies | Displays the parent node for slider assemblies. | |
Slider Assembly | Contains the slider assembly components and design parameters. | |
Slider Component | Displays an individual slider component. | |
Lock Sets | Displays the parent node for lock sets. | |
Lock | Contains the lock set design parameters. | |
Male Lock | Displays the male lock component. | |
Female Lock | Displays the female lock component. | |
Cooling & Heating Components | Displays the parent node of cooling and heating components and associated sketches. | |
Cooling Channel | Contains the cooling channel sketches and segments. | |
Cooling Segment | Displays an individual cooling segment. | |
Workpiece Pocket | Contains the parameters for a pocket cut in the mold base. | |
Mold Boolean | Contains the mold Boolean operations. | |
Mold Boolean | Contains the parameters for a cutting tool and body. | |
Adjust Position | Indicates a position adjustment operation. | |
Mold Design CSYS | Indicates a mold design coordinate system reference. | |
Pattern Group | Displays the parent node of a pattern. | |
Pattern | Displays a pattern element. | |
Heel | Displays a heel. | |
Core Pin Group | Displays the parent node of a core pin group. | |
Core Pin | Displays a core pin. | |
Trim Participant | Indicates a trimming operation applied to core pins. | |
Trimmed Core Pin | Displays a trimmed core pin. | |
Cold Well Group | Displays the parent node of a cold well group. | |
Cold Well | Displays a cold well. | |
Secondary Sprue | Displays a secondary sprue runner segment. | |
Ejector Sleeve Group | Displays the parent node of an ejector sleeve group. | |
Ejector Sleeve | Displays an ejector sleeve. | |
Combined Core Cavity | Displays the parent node of a combined core cavity. | |
Combined Core | Displays the combined core. | |
Combined Cavity | Displays the combined cavity. | |
Lifter Assembly Group | Displays the parent node of a lifter assembly group. | |
Lifter Assembly | Displays an individual lifter assembly. | |
Lifter Component | Displays a lifter component. | |
Cooling Component Group | Displays the parent node of a cooling component group. | |
Cooling Component | Displays a cooling component. |