Get Started

Tube and Pipe styles use components from Content Center. To begin, set your active project to tutorial_files, and then verify that Content Center is installed and configured.

  1. Click ManageProjects.
  2. On the Projects dialog box, double-click the tutorial_files project in the projects list to set it as the active project.
  3. In the lower-right corner of the Projects dialog box, click Configure Content Center Libraries.
  4. On the Configure Libraries dialog box, verify that the Inventor ANSI library is available, and that the In Use box is selected.
    Note: To perform the tutorial steps, at least one standard Content Center library must be available for use. A standard library is available if it is identified as In Use and has a status of Read Only in the Access column.
    Tip: If no libraries are available, set up Content Center libraries first. See the Help for more details or contact your CAD Administrator.
  5. Click OK to close the Configure Libraries dialog box.
  6. Click Save in the Projects dialog box if it is available, and then click Done.

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