Define Workpiece

The Define Workpiece feature enables you to generate a rectangular or cylindrical workpiece, which is the precondition for generating the core and cavity.

For a rectangular workpiece, you set the length, width, height, and gap to control the shape of the workpiece. For a cylindrical workpiece, you set the diameter and height of the workpiece.

The Define Workpiece feature provides product dimensions as design references. A preview function displays the changes in the dimensions immediately.

Workpiece Dimensions

Mold Design provides a Lock button, which sets the dimensions of the workpiece. In the following example, we use the variables X+, X-, and X_total to explain the use of the Lock button.

The default status of the Lock button is Unlock. You can manually import the value of X+ and X- . Mold Design calculates the value of X_total automatically. The formula is:

X_total = X+ + X + X-

You can import the value of X_total. Mold Design calculates the value of X+ and X-. The formula is:

X+ = X- = ( X_total X )/2

Click the Lock button to change the status from the default (Unlock) to Lock. With the Lock setting, the value of X_total cannot change. Only the value of X+ or X- can be modified separately.

When you import the value of X+, Mold Design automatically calculates the value of X-. The same rule applies to X+. The formula is:

X- = X_total - X X+


Mold Design supports your design of rectangular workpieces with a Foolproof feature that adds chamfers and fillets.

You can select the Foolproof shapes on the Define Workpiece dialog box. Then Mold Design automatically creates chamfers or fillets.