Indicates this area of the part can be difficult to fill with plastic because the melt temperature at the point you selected is too low.
The Temperature at flow front result is one factor used to determine the Confidence of fill result. The Confidence of fill result is yellow or red in areas where the temperature is too low.
If the Temperature at flow front result is too low in a thin area of the part, hesitation or short shot can occur.
If it is too low in an area where weld lines are present, the weld lines can appear worse, and can be structurally weaker.
Improve the confidence of this area filling, and ensure that part quality is acceptable.
Hesitation can cause low melt temperature. To avoid hesitation, increase the thickness of this area.
Move the polymer injection location closer to the problem area, or add additional injection points. This action improves the likelihood that all sections of a part fill and quality is acceptable.
You can change the recommended processing conditions. To improve this Confidence of fill result, increase the melt temperature of the current material.
Select a material with a higher melt temperature.