Example: Calculate length of 2D path in sweep

If you have an open path that consists of one or more segments, you can calculate the total length of the sweep if the following conditions apply:

  1. In a new part file, create a 2D sketch for the open path.
  2. Finish the sketch, and create a work plane at one of the endpoints of the sketch.
  3. Create a second sketch. For this example, create a circle at the endpoint of the first sketch on the workplane.
  4. Finish the sketch, and then create a sweep. (Click Sweep. Select the open path. Click OK.)
  5. To find the volume, click iProperties. On the Physical tab, click Update.

    The volume (V) of the sweep displays in the Volume field.

  6. To find the area of the sketch, in the browser, select the 2D sketch, and click Sketch. Select Tools tab Measure panel Area, and then select the circle in the graphics window. The cross-section area, (A) displays.
  7. Calculate the length: L = V/A.