The zoom tools enable you to get a close-up view of the model or particular sections of the model.
There are three zoom tools that you can use, depending on your need:
Zoom All
- The Zoom All tool rescales the model so that it is fully contained by the active model window.
- The Zoom tool enables you to zoom in and out of the display. Drag the mouse up to zoom in, or down to zoom out.
Zoom Window
- The Zoom Window tool enables you to zoom into a specific area of interest. Draw a rectangle around the point of interest, by clicking on one side of the area and dragging the mouse to around to the other side.
Note: To access this tool from a SteeringWheel, hold down Shift before you press Zoom.
The following mouse click and key combinations are available to control how the Zoom tools behave:
- Click. If you select the Zoom tool, then click on your model, the current view is zoomed in by a factor of 25 percent. If you are using the Full Navigation wheel, incremental zoom must be enabled in the SteeringWheels Options dialog box.
- SHIFT+click. If you select the Zoom tool, then hold down SHIFT before you click on your model, the current view is zoomed out by a factor of 25 percent. Zooming is performed from the current location of the cursor, and not the current pivot point.
Note: When you start the Zoom tool from the Full Navigation wheel, incremental zooming must be enabled in the SteeringWheels Options dialog box in order to use CTRL+click and SHIFT+click.
- CTRL+click. If you select the Zoom tool, then hold down the CTRL key before you click on your model, the current view is zoomed in by a factor of 25 percent. Zooming is performed from the current pivot point, and not the location of the cursor.
- Click and drag. If you select the Zoom tool, then hold down the button on your pointing device, while dragging it up or down, you can adjust the magnification of the model. Dragging down decreases the size of the model, while dragging upwards increases it's size.
- CTRL+click and drag. When using the Full Navigation wheels or the mini View Object wheel, you can control the target point used by the Zoom tool. By holding down the CTRL key, the Zoom tool uses the location of the previous pivot point defined by the Zoom, Orbit, or Center tool.
- SHIFT+click and drag. When using the Full Navigation wheels or the mini View Object wheel, zoom in to an area of the model by dragging a rectangular window around the area you want to fit in the window. Hold down SHIFT and then click and drag a window around the area in which you want to zoom.
Note: This is similar to the Zoom Window tool.
Note: If you hold down the CTRL key along with SHIFT, you can zoom in to an area of a model using a center-based window, instead of one defined by opposite corners.
- Mouse wheel. When you select the Zoom tool, scroll the mouse wheel up or down to zoom the view of the model in or out.