Analysis Wizard dialog-Advanced tab

The Advanced tab of the Analysis Wizard allows the definition of a packing profile to be used when a Fill + Pack or Cool analysis is performed.

Depending on which analysis sequence you perform, either a cooling or an injection + packing + cooling time can be used.

If a Dual Domain cool analysis is performed you have the additional option to disable result smoothing. Switching off result smoothing can help when trying to evaluate hotspots.

When performing a Warp analysis on a 3D part, by default the analysis uses aggregation to minimise the analysis time and memory usage. If a more accurate and comprehensive set of results are required, disable aggregation.

Packing profile Use a packing profile to control the packing pressure. This can be done by specifying pressure absolutely, or relative to the end of fill.
Automatic cooling time Automatically calculate the cooling time on all analyses by default.
Automatic injection + packing + cooling time Automatically calculate the cycle time when running a Cool analysis.
Disable results smoothing for Dual Domain cool analysis Useful for detecting hotspots in the model.
Disable aggregation for 3D warp analysis Specify whether to use aggregation in a 3D Warp analysis.