Cooling time is too High

About this result

The Quality Prediction result indicates that this area of the part may have quality problems. This is because the cooling time at the point you have selected is too high for the material you have chosen.

The cooling time is used to help determine the Quality Prediction result. If the cooling time of an area is too high, the Quality Prediction result will be yellow or red in that area.

The Quality Prediction result calculates relative cooling times. It will only give a warning if an area has a high cooling time relative to the other parts of the model.

If a part has a yellow or red Quality Prediction result, find out why. If it is due to high cooling time, try making some of the changes recommended below.

If the part is mostly green with some small yellow areas, it may be acceptable, but you should look carefully at the other result displays to see exactly where and why the results are wrong.

Problems caused by high cooling time

Warping will occur if the cooling time in one area of the model is much greater than in other areas.

What to do

Generally, it is better if the areas requiring the longest cooling time are at or near the gate.

To reduce excessive cycle time:
  • Decrease the melt temperature.
  • Decrease the mold temperature.
  • Make the problem area thinner.
Note: Each solution requires individual consideration of all the aspects of the mold design specification.