Navigation modes

There are three different navigation modes from which to choose that provide you with different views of your model.

With all three modes, you can view both the inside and the outside of the model.

Object Mode
Object Mode, also known as "Free" mode, allows you to move the object around as if you were holding it in your hand. The idea with this mode is that you can rotate the model, pan, zoom, move up and down, and view all the details as if you were actually holding it. In this mode, if the controller is moved up, the actual scene is brought up. This is the default setting for your navigation device.
Walk Mode
Walk Mode interactively changes the navigation motion, so you appear to be walking through the model as you move the controller cap. In this mode you move about the scene as if on a moving walkway. Thus, if the controller is moved left, the scene is moved right.
Fly Mode
Fly Mode interactively changes the navigation motion, so you appear to be flying through the model as you move the controller cap. In this mode you move about the scene as if in an airplane. Thus, if the controller is moved left, the scene is moved right. Fly mode is essentially the same as walk mode without contraints to any of the planes.

  Pan Left/Right Pan Up/Down Zoom Tilt Spin Roll
Object Mode Scene moves in the direction of the mouse Scene moves in the direction of the mouse Scene moves in the direction of the mouse Scene moves in the direction of the mouse Scene moves in the direction of the mouse Scene moves in the direction of the mouse
Walk Mode Scene moves in the opposite direction from the mouse Scene moves in the opposite direction from the mouse Scene moves in the opposite direction from the mouse Scene moves in the opposite direction from the mouse Scene moves in the opposite direction from the mouse N/A
Fly Mode Scene moves in the opposite direction from the mouse Scene moves in the opposite direction from the mouse Scene moves in the opposite direction from the mouse Scene moves in the opposite direction from the mouse Scene moves in the opposite direction from the mouse N/A