Screenshot Properties dialog

Select a previously saved image, or generate a new image from the selected result for inclusion in the report.

To access this dialog:


Note: The .gif, .bmp, and .jpg image file formats are supported.
Note: A screenshot may be saved to file at any time using To File (Reports tab > Image Capture panel > To File).

General settings

Use existing image Select an existing image for inclusion in the report.

Enter the file path and name of the image, or, click ... and navigate to the required folder.

Generate image Create a new still image for inclusion in a report.

After choosing to create a new image, select the format, size, and model rotation properties for the new image.

Target file
Displays the name of the image file that will be created (without file extension).

After creating an image, this name is listed in the Report items list in the Report Wizard. You may also need to rearrange the order of items that appear in the report.

Image Format
Specify the format of the image to be generated.

Create a still image as either a GIF, Bitmap, or JPEG file.

Image size
Enter the width and height of the image in pixels.
Rotation angles
Specify the rotation of the model in the still image.
Either select the default or enter the required X, Y, and Z coordinates in a space separated list.
Tip: Instead of repeatedly entering the same coordinates manually, click the Rotation Angles drop-down arrow to reveal previously saved viewpoints.