Creating bubblers

Bubblers are cooling system components constructed by inserting a central channel into a larger cooling channel to force the coolant to flow up the middle and down the outside. They are commonly used to increase cooling to local areas where cooling channels cannot be used such as deep narrow cores.

Note: Prior to creating bubblers, you must first create a cooling plane.
  1. Click Bubbler/Baffle (Geometry tab > Cooling System panel > Bubbler/Baffle).
  2. Click Browse Browse to select a bubbler Type.
  3. Select Bubbler from the Channel Type drop down list.
  4. Enter the Outer diameter and the Inner diameter of the bubbler in the text boxes.
  5. Click OK to apply the changes and close the dialog.
  6. To create a bubbler, click on the start point on the grid, move the mouse to the required end point of the bubbler and click the mouse button again.

    The Start point and End point values in the Create Bubbler/Baffle dialog are filled in with the coordinates of the selected points.

    Note: The following indicators may be displayed to help you attach the baffle to an existing cooling line:
    • End intersection point, displayed when your end point is in alignment with an end intersection point.
    • Center intersection point, displayed when your end point is in alignment with any other point than an end intersection point.
    Tip: While continuing to hold the mouse button, press the Alt key to limit mouse movement to the Z axis, press the Ctrl key to limit mouse movement to the X axis, or press the Shift key to limit mouse movement to the Y axis.
  7. Continue to create more bubblers either by selecting a new point on the grid or selecting an existing intersection point and repeating the steps above.
  8. Click OK to save the bubblers and close the Create Bubbler/Baffle dialog.