About this result
The Quality Prediction result indicates that this area of the part may have quality problems. This is because the temperature at the flow front at the point you have selected is too low for the material you have chosen. There may also be other problems.
If a part has a yellow or red Quality Prediction result, find out why. If it is due to low temperature, try making some of the changes recommended below.
If the part is mostly green with some small yellow areas, it may be acceptable, but you should look carefully at the other result displays, to see exactly where and why the results are wrong.
Problems caused by low temperature
If the temperature at the flow front is too low in a thin area of the part, hesitation or a short shot may occur.
If the temperature is too low in an area where weld lines are present, the weld lines may appear worse, and the part may be structurally weaker.
What to do
The following options are available to improve the result:
- Increase the melt or mold temperature, but this may cause material degradation and increase the cycle time. Keep the temperature within the material's recommended limits.
- Decrease the injection time, but this may cause excess shear in the gate if it is restrictive. Too much shear will cause degradation and surface defects.
- Increase the thickness in the area to permit flow, but this may cause a functional problem with the design.
- For hesitation in thin ribs, decrease the draft angle slightly, but this may cause a functional problem with the design. Also, reducing the draft on ribs can make ejecting the part more difficult.
- Move the gate away from the hesitation area, but this may cause hesitation or other problems elsewhere in the part.
- Select a material with a higher melt flow (lower viscosity).