Solver message 98361

Message text

** WARNING 98361 ** One or more mechanical property values of the selected material are outside the expected range. The elastic moduli (E1 & E2) should be about 10^9 Pa, and the Poisson's ratio (v12 & v23) for an isotropic material should be about 0.3 - 0.5. Check the material data and run the analysis again.


The value for the specified material property is outside the expected range, meaning that it is either too small or too large.


In your personal database,
  • Edit the current material and change the values for the elastic moduli.
  • Edit the current material and change the values for the Poisson's ratios.
  • Select a different material.
  • If the material is from the Autodesk Simulation Moldflow materials database, contact Technical Support.