Message text
** ERROR 99999 ** All required licenses are in use by other currently running analyses.
The analysis cannot be run at this time because all the available licenses for the specified module are in use.
- Wait for a currently running analysis to complete before relaunching the analysis.
- If you are using the Priority Jobs queue in the Job Manager to run the analyses, make sure that you do not launch more analyses simultaneously than the number of licenses you have purchased.
- If you are using the Batch Queue in the Job Manager to run the analyses, ensure that the Batch queue max. running jobs setting in the properties of the Job Server is not higher than the number of licenses you have purchased.
- Check that the license is available.
- Reboot the computer.
- If the license server is a different machine, check that it is not down.
- If the license server is a different machine, check that it is known to your computer.
- To run more analyses simultaneously, purchase more licenses for the specified module.