To access this dialog, click
The modeling grid appears when you create or move a parting plane; modeling plane, runner section or cooling channel section.
Note: The available modeling tools depend on the mold type you selected.
Dialog elements
- Display grid
- Specifies whether a grid appears when you create or move runners, cooling channels and parting planes, or size the mold.
Note: The grid is parallel to the X-Y plane.
- Snap to grid
- Specifies that the nearest grid point is automatically used when you create or move runners, cooling channels, or parting planes, or size the mold using the mouse. This helps define exact dimensions.
Tip: You can turn the Snap to grid option on and off while you are drawing a new cross section.
- Show snap icon
- Displays a snap point icon near the pointer when the pointer is near a snap point.
- Style
- Define the grid size and display type to be used when creating or moving runners, cooling channels and parting planes or sizing the mold.
- Grid Size
- Specify the distance between the lines in the modeling grid.
The modeling grid appears when you are creating or moving runners, cooling circuits and parting planes or sizing the mold.
Note: To change the units, click , and then select the General tab.
- Color
- Select the grid color.
The modeling grid appears when you are creating or moving runners, cooling circuits and parting planes or sizing the mold.
to open the Color dialog.
- Origin
- Define the model grid origin.
Center of Sprue,
Center of Mold or
User Defined from the drop-down list.
- Position
- Specify if the grid is to originate from the sprue, mold center, or a user defined position.
When User Defined is selected, the X, Y and Z coordinates become active.
The modeling grid appears when you are creating or moving runners, cooling channels and parting planes, or sizing the mold.
- Grid Origin X, Y and Z
- Enter the X, Y, and Z coordinates which define the model grid origin.
The modeling grid appears when you are creating or moving runners, cooling channels and parting planes, or sizing the mold.
Note: This option is unavailable if Center of Sprue or Center of Mold is selected from the Position drop-down list.